by Chelsea Gonzales | News
On March 31st McBade made it to its 1 year Anniversary. This baby was a vision that Pamela Gonzales Granger put to paper on that very day. She has striven for quality work throughout her whole career. As a team we work together to achieve those goals she set forth for...
by Chelsea Gonzales | News
LAFAYETTE, La. (KLFY) – The last time Lafayette Parish updated it’s flood maps Bill Clinton was president and many residents who experienced damage during the recent flood are wondering if their home’s flood status will change with the updated maps. Pamela Gonzales...
by Chelsea Gonzales | News
YOUNGSVILLE, La. (KLFY) – Last Thursday, the Youngsville city council unanimously adopted an ordinance requiring residential and commercial developments to provide a 25-year detention in their drainage design. The detention could be a retention pond, detention pond,...